Bapa and I had another sleepover with our Miss D
It is becoming almost a weekly or ten dayish thing altho the next couple of weeks may be disrupted by doctor appointments and Santa Claus parades
We landed in Arnprior at our regular 11 ish o'clock on Friday
Had a bit of a visit with Mommy
Packed up Miss D and off to Herriott Street
It is so much fun having her here
She loves to chalk up a storm on her chalkboard table
Colour pictures in her book
Build lots of towers with her Mega Blocks
Read her favourite stories over and over and over
Bapa loves taking her shopping
Our nephew and his kiddlys came Saturday afternoon for a visit
His wife Brandy was doing a show in our town that day
Check out her website
She makes jewellery from vintage pieces
Lots of playing ensued
Darla helped Uncle Iain make pizza dough
She would have loved to stay for pizza and "stay for a sleepover" she told us
It was great having them here and I know Miss D loved the company
This is Marlo -- look at those big baby blues
Siobhan and Will arrived later Saturday and we had pizza
Played a great game of Scrabble ---- closest game yet
More friends dropped by on Sunday to visit us BUT I really think they were here to get a Miss D fix
And then everyone was gone .... HB and I sipped on a glass of red wine and
reflected on how lucky we are
Then I looked at my window this morning
..... just a last little handprint so I wouldn't forget her LOL
Looks like lots of fun. Those little ones do keep us smiling.
Makes me miss my grands! XOXO
sent you a message on fb.
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