a delicious milk pudding dessert ---
made with milk cream sugar flavouring and gelatin.
I've made numerous types -- buttermilk, chocolate, passion fruit, blood orange, and plain ole vanilla.
This Easter I made Lemon. Served with a raspberries.
What could make it even better ----- Madeleines!!
Well unfortunately I forgot that mostly everything is closed today ----
I did not have any butter and one egg short.
So I did a load of laundry instead.
Lemon Panna Cotta
1 Tablespoon gelatin
1/4 cup water 2 cups 35% cream
1 cup milk
1/2 cup sugar
Sprinkle gelatin in a small bowl with the 1/4 cup water.
Bring the cream, milk, zest, and sugar to a warm temp --- do not boil --- to dissolve the sugar.
Add the dissolved gelatin to the cream mixture and whisk til incorporated.
Strain into a 4 cup measuring cup.
Pour into 6 - 8 1/2 cup ramekins or martini glasses or whatever vessel you have on hand.
Cover tops with plastic wrap. Refrig about 6 hours.
And looky looky who made a surprise appearance for supper.
All dressed in her Easter finery plus curls
Furnace problems :-( but Nona and Bapa get to have a sleepover for a couple nights.
A trip to Ikea for a new toy storage system..... no luck :-(
BUT ...
A terrific lunch at East Side Mario's
Lots of playing and cuddles.....
** sorry this Tasty Tuesday is a day late
Oh my what a cutie patutie . Lovely photos . That dessert looks and sounds YUMMY ! Thanks for sharing , have a good week !
Your granddaughter is a doll. What a cutie. You are so fortunate. i only have grand kitties - the meowing kind. he he
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