We decided to take a trip to Amherst Island
Its a really small island that you have to take a ferry to.
We try and make the trip there in the fall and spring.
It is well known in birding circles for owls and raptors
We were not disappointed.
Saw 5 snowy owls and lots of hawks -- red tail, rough wing, kestrel
And to round out the day a couple of mute swans
There is a fantastic woods there too called Owl Woods
Unfortunately way too many people are aware of this wood so no birder ever reports of seeing any owls here,
Some who visit the woods have no respect for these creatures.
We were there one year and heard of some photographers seeing a saw whet ---- marched right up to the tree ---- break off branches and proceed to bombard this poor thing with shot after shot.
Being a photographer myself I understand how tempting it is to get that "perfect" shot.
However we have to respect nature and know that it is NOT there for us to do with what we wish
Well now that I have spouted my displeasure I shall continue .....
There are lots of opportunities to get nice pics of these fabulous birds as well as others in the open fields on the rest of the Island.
Of course there are others on the island
As you will notice some of my shots have a bit of a blur to them.
I only noticed this once back on the ferry looking at the pictures.
We took the lens off the camera and there it was a nice big ole thumb print on the inside lens ......
DAMN ---
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