Insomnia reared its ugly head and after 4 nights of not sleeping I am feeling a wee bit be draggled.
This happens occasionally and I know it is part of this time of my life.
So this weekend I am really really trying to avoid looking at the laundry and the dust bunnies ..
I have lots of yarn and needle work to do...
I have been on a Cowl Kick
Miss D looks awesome in hers
and I am whipping one up for each of the kiddos in Alberta
This is an awesomely easy pattern
I used super chunky yarn and size 9mm needles
Cast on 16
Row 1 knit
Row 2 K1 P1
Knit these 2 rows for 24 inches (for toddler) or whatever length you desire. Sew ends together.....

There seems to be a plethora of babies being born (not in my family but very good friends kids) and all are appearing in the next few months
Four expected in February !!!!!
So I have put a few other projects on a bit of a hold and beavering away at baby things.
Lots and lots of burp cloths are draped over the sewing machine ready to be sewn up.
Baby socks (store bought) ready to be made into sock baby rattles .... Instructions at a later post..

Yes I still write thank you notes and Yes I use a fountain pen
I plan on doing a few posts to schedule..
There are a few recipes that I have been wanting to share.
There is a hockey game this afternoon.
Our team is not doing so well but we still love watching it.

Of course Addy always enjoys a knitting day
Hope you are all having an awesome wekend
4 NIGHTS? I'd have done myself in. :-b SO HAPPY you are sleeping again. There are few things worse. I'm glad I am on that list of friends having more grand-babies. It's getting quite exciting. Just back from purchasing the materials to make a bird seed wreath. My project for tomorrow. :)) Have a great night, Susan.
Nice looking cowls! I do mine with crochet...the wee ones look very cute in them!
Enjoy your evening...
Linda :o)
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