Time to make some
Today we are in somewhat of a deep freeze minus 20 C ( minus 4 F)
Thank goodness it is warming up the rest of the week and by hump day it is 0 C ( 32 F)
This afternoon I am having coffee with dear Deb who as I'm sure most of you know cuz we tend to follow the same blogs lost her sweet Sierra New Years Eve
Being in a small town I can walk to a local coffee shop.
Its a new shop called The Owl Café and it is in support of our autism community.
It will still be quite chilly so bundling up is in order --- as Canadians we know how to do this well...
It was a quiet NYE here @ 44

Made a leg of Lamb covered in fresh rosemary from my own plant and minced garlic
Roasted potatoes
Butternut Squash
Green Beans
With HB's quite fabulous Boule

We did make it to almost 2 !!!
Thank you Miss D for sleeping til almost 8 the next morning.
Hi Susan - thanks for the company today at the new Owl Cafe. Great to see you guys. My spiffy new gloves will come in handy this week as the temps climb a bit. For now, I'm staying in with a cup of hot tea. lol
Hi . I popped over from Debs blog and oh my I love your blog . I will be following and will be looking forward to the goings on in your neck of the woods . Yes we are tea grannies here to lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day and stay cozy !
Looks like your year has gotten off to a wonderful start! (I particularly like the part about a cup of tea instead of resolutions!! :)
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