Well Hello everyone ..
I am back after a 10 month experiment of co hosting a blog with my daughter.
It was a fun but I just could not commit myself to it.
I think partly because I and Siobhan like control so you can imagine having two people who like it "their way" something had to give.
It was a fun experience.
But ...
I admit I am excited to get back to zAzA's corner ----- it needs a bit of dusting off but it will be nice to set it all back up again.
I hope you will come visit again and see what I am up to.
Well just wanted to let you know I am back
Now it's time to finish up my Halloween decorating.
I have joined up!
But...for some reason, my picture is not there!! hmmmmm...
Get crackin' with some posts!!
Linda :o)
Welcome back, momma!
I'll follow you anywhere. You made home-made licorice. :))))
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