No question!
We WILL have a white Christmas.
Last night's Christmas party was a success.
Because of this horrid weather half our guests weren't able to make it,
But the stoics who did all had a good time.
A great bunch of people.
Food. Drinks. Laughs. Pictures.
Strawberry Santas
Cut tip off strawberry, hollow out, fill with cream cheese mixture*, top with tip, gel icing for eyes and buttons
*250 grams (8 ounces) cream cheese, 3 to 4 Tablespoons icing sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla
I am feeling very relaxed about Christmas.
This week is down to wrapping, tortiere making, delivering friends and neighbor gifts, and shopping for Christmas and Boxing Day meals
Shopping last week in Almonte I bought this wee Santa for my Kitchen tree.
My beautiful Amaryllis is blooming
I saw these melted snowman cookies on a blog (sorry don't remember which one) and couldn't wait to try them.
Just a plain sugar cookie with an icing glaze.
Pop the marshmallow in the microwave for about 10 seconds.
Decorate with eyeballs and carrot nose with gel icing.
Wrap with an icing scarf.
Wrap with an icing scarf.
Came out pretty good hunh?
Reindeer are pretty cute too.
Have a great week
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