Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tornados and Day lilies

What a week!
Lots of weather.
Hot and humid.
And threats of tornados.
But we survived it all and are still enjoying our garden on Herriott Street

Butterfly Weed --- even the bees like it

White Echinacea

Green Bush Beans

Purple Bean Flower

Pumpkin Flower

Gooseneck Loosestrife

Hosta Flower

New Front Garden of Hostas

Garage Window Box

Fresh Beans for Supper

It is a perfect day today.
No humidity and 24.
The windows are wide open and my girls are enjoying travelling window to window.
A chicken is roasting in the oven.
Baby potatoes ready to pop in and the above mentioned beans to be sautéed with thyme and butter.
Peanut butter brownies for dessert.
Almost time for a leisurely cocktail on the deck.
Happy Sunday!


Catherine said...

The weather has been crazy this year hasn't it?
But your garden flowers look wonderful!
xo Catherine

ShannonAnn said...

Those wonderful, glorious days of summer... Your garden is growing beautifully!!!