Friday, September 16, 2011

Fabulous Friday

 Last week we had a terrific rain storm -- hail in Ottawa  just big a** raindrops here!

Lots of green in the pond all summer.
What did I find yesterday morning --- water hyacinths starting to bloom!!
This morning there were 4 of them.

 Had a Wednesday visit with my sweet pea and

 my little munchkin!

 I knew I had kept those fantastic Grolsh bottles for a reason!
Made herb vinegars -- rosemary, dill, garlic chives, and jalapeno pepper.
I used white wine vinegar as I find it a wee bit less assaulting than regular white vinegar.

 Love these black eyed daisies.

 A warm autumn welcome into our house!

A yummy pumpkin cloves candle and a comforting fall mum.

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